Biometric Authentication

The Biometric Authentication section holds the event history of the Natural Person’s Liveness Checks and Selfie Uploads.

Users can add the information provided themselves using the +Add button, or request an update from the client by pressing Request Client Update. Most often this information will pass through from a portal submission.

By clicking on the arrows on the left side of the row users can expand that particular section into the Biometric Authentication View, which will display more information about the given check. Expanding a specific entry in the list will allow the user to see a more detailed view of the Biometric Authentication event.

From here users can view the details of the Biometric Authentication submission - whether there were any issues detected with the Face Match or Liveness, the text details about the checks, the pass and fail percentages of the emotions captured as well as the actual photos taken during the Live Face Capture.

Fail Example:

Feature release 3.2.0 now lets you see the Pass and Fail percentage of each emotion captured

Pass Example:

Feature release 3.2.0 now lets you see the Pass and Fail percentage of each emotion captured

We have also updated the "Pass" logic for the liveness test. The customer should pass the liveness test if they get: 4 out of 5 emotions correct, 3 out of 4 emotions correct, 3 out of 3 emotions correct or 2 out of 2 emotions correct.

Users can also download a PDF Summary of the Liveness check results by clicking the PDF Summary button. This document will contain the Entity Information section and the Biometric Authentication section’s information.

The bottom of the subpage shows how the document was submitted and the current status. You can accept or reject the liveness check in this section.

Last updated